Abstract Submission

Abstract submissions are now closed.

For any questions or concerns regarding abstract submissions please email hpcfusion@bsc.es

More information:

Abstract submission for invited talks and contributed orals starts on July 19, 2021 and ends on September 24, 2021 September 27, 2021 at 1pm CEST (extended deadline).

Submissions by email or other means will not be taken into consideration.

  • All participants must register to obtain individual access key for the workshop.
  • Submitted documents must be in PDF format. Other formats (MsWord, TeX, Postscript, …) are not acceptable.
  • When submitting the abstracts, the authors agree that the accepted abstracts can be made available online in the conference web site.
  • Only a one page abstract will be accepted.

To facilitate document preparation, it is recommended that authors use the following templates:

Abstract Format:

File format PDF
Number of pages1
Page sizeA4 (21.0 x 29.7 cm)
Page margins2.5 cm on all 4 sides, gutter 0.0
Fonts Times New Roman or Arial
Font size14 pt (title), 12 pt (main text), 10 pt (figure captions, references)
Line spacing1.5 lines (21 pt)
Title of paper Centered alignment, bold font 14 pt
List of authorsCentered alignment, normal font 12 pt, presenting authors underlined,
e.g. M. First1, N.N. Second2
Author affiliationsCentered alignment, italic font 12 pt, e.g. Institute, City, Country
Body text Justified alignment, normal font 12 pt
References 10-point font, 1.5 line spacing
Figure Captions10-point font